トップ > インターンシップ体験談
2011年10月24日・Miyuki Kura・ 40代 , カナダ , 海外教育交換プログラム

Origami "A Dog (face) and A Cat( face)" and  " Overturns Frog"

1 はじめのあいさつ(あいさつの指導)
Good afternoon, everyone!   We say "Konnichiwa" for "Good afternoon".  Please repeat after me.  " Konnichiwa"  Today I am here to teach you how to fold origami.

2 折り紙の紹介
Origami is one of traditional Japanese paper craft arts. You can make many shapes simply by folding a small square paper. Japanese children are taught how to make origami by their parents or grandparents. Sometimes they learn in kindergarten or preschool.

3 DVDを見せる(持参したNHKのトラッドジャパンのDVD)
Here is a DVD about origami. First please enjoy watching it.

4 折り紙を配る
Now let's fold "A Dog face and A Cat face". This is an example of how we are going to fold.  I will give you a piece of origami paper. Please take your favorite color from the papers I am handing  out.

5 折り方をワンステップずつ教える(折り紙指導の便利なサイト http://en.origami-club.com/)

I will show you how to fold origami first. Please follow my directions for folding.

We say "inu" for a dog.  Please repeat after me. " Inu"
We say " neko" for a cat.  Please repeat after me. "Neko"

6 時間があればもう一つ別の折り紙を教える(時間調整)
We have  ○ more minutes. Let's fold another origami. I will teach you how to fold"Overturns Frog".  Please take your favorite color from these papers again.

We say "kaeru" for a frog.  Please repeat after me.  " Kaeru"
7  おわりのあいさつ(あいさつの指導)
That's all for my lesson. I hope you enjoyed this origami lesson.
Thank you for inviting me to your class today.
We say "Arigato" for "Thank you". Please repeat after me. "Arigato"
We say "Sayonara" for "Good bye. Please repeat after me.  " Sayonara"

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